How to configure SNMP on Ubuntu Server for Zenoss Monitoring
So there isn’t any straightforward documents on the web as to how to configure a Ubuntu Server to setup SNMP so the device can be monitored in Zenoss Core using the LinuxMonitor zenpack. I tested this on systems running Ubuntu 10.04 and Zenoss 3.0.1.
Delete everything replace for following line, this is read only of everything and restrict access so that only systems within you IP subnet can access this.
rocommunity public
Change the line ending with and change it to, so it should read
SNMPDOPTS=’-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/′
If you add the system to your Zenoss console and you get a SNMP timeout error make sure you check your /etc/default/snmpd file. The default configuration is somewhat broken and you need to make the change in order to open up SNMP to anything other than localhost.
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